Ruchani, (Rodbose), Zvi
Born in Hungary. Survived after years of suffering and torture in forced labor camps in Germany. When he came to Israel he changed his name to the Diaspora – Rodebuz – for a Hebrew name. Due to his weakness he came to Safed to recover in Hadassah. On the 17th of Adar I 5708 (27.2.1948) he entered the post office in Safed and received a telegram from his father, who had remained in Hungary, for his birthday. Upon leaving, he was shot by an Arab rioter and died on the spot. Was 22 when he died. The incident, which was witnessed by British policemen and soldiers who did not intervene, and with the help of Arab policemen, stirred up the atmosphere. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Safed. After his death, he was assigned to the Golani Brigade, which was established the following day.