Rothman, Shaul (Shaulka, David Carmi)

Rothman, Shaul (Shaulka, David Carmi)

Son of Solomon and Zalman, was born on March 4, 1930 in Hadera, a great-grandson of the founders of Hadera and Petach Tikvah, and from there he inherited his courage and love for the Land. During his studies, he joined the Scouts movement, first as a trainee, and later one of the most gifted guides, with great energy, initiative and temperament. In 1943, he joined the Haganah and served in the Intelligence Service, where he performed with great enthusiasm and dedication Secret and most responsible bowing. He took part in transporting and burying weapons, despite the great danger involved in bringing up illegal immigrants and so forth. With the decision of the United Nations General Assembly on November 29, 1947, to divide the country into two states, he blessed his grandfather who had won this and left the school two weeks before the examinations. Shaul enlisted in the Carmeli Brigade and went to accompany the convoy to the besieged Yehiam, “a country must be conquered by blood,” he said to his father at the time of his death. The last departure The convoy left Nahariya on the afternoon of March 27, 1948, with seven vehicles and 90 vehicles The first armored vehicle managed to break through and reach Yehiam, but the rest of the vehicles were trapped in an ambush.The convoy fought until the evening and under cover of darkness some of them managed to escape, but about half of them fell in battle , And Shaul was only 18 years old and did not see the fulfillment of his dream of the establishment of a “state that would be a factor of progress and culture in the Middle East,” as one of his writings put it, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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