Reches, Gideon

Reches, Gideon

Son of Fishel and Bronia. He was born on July 4, 1934 in Karkur. After graduating from elementary school, he continued in the Gymnasia in Hadera. He devoted himself to sports and at the same time liked literature and read a lot. After his brother Haim died in the War of Independence (in the battle for Iraq Al-Manshiyya), his father died of grief and grief, and he was the only consolation for his mother. He was alert, energetic and alive, but on the 5th of Elul 5704 (May 3, 1954) he fell in the line of duty and was put to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak; In the same row, his brother Chaim was buried, and the mother of her daughter, Karkur, was forced to land her two sons and her husband, and with the efforts of Mrs. Yehudit Simhoni, a memorial project was established in 1959, To the moshavim. The Karkur Workers’ Council runs the house where there is a memorial room where various classes are held and lectures are held on various subjects.

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