Rachamim, Joseph (“Yossi”)

Rachamim, Joseph (“Yossi”)

Son of Mashiach and Hannah. He was born on November 21, 1945 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Geula Elementary School and after finishing worked as a garage mechanic. He also studied mechanics in a vocational school. He was a member of the Maccabi sports organization and liked to play soccer, in which he showed a special tendency to sport. He was drafted into the IDF in February 1964, and after his discharge he would occasionally leave for reserve duty, where he served as a half-track driver on the second day of the battles. He was killed on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967). He was buried in the emergency military cemetery in Bari and was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After falling, his friends and friends set a trophy bearing his name and on the anniversary of his death the trophy was awarded to the winner. They clung to him so much that they made a gold bracelet with his name engraved on it and each of them wore it. In the third year after his fall, his family brought a Torah scroll in his name to a synagogue in Holon.

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