Pomerantz, Shmuel (Sam, Archer)

Pomerantz, Shmuel (Sam, Archer)

Son of-Esther Zelda and Philip was born on September 19, 1910 in New York, United States. After graduating from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of New York, he worked as a foreman in aircraft manufacturing plants. In March 1948 he left the United States, immigrated to Israel and volunteered to serve as a pilot in the Israel Air Force. Shmuel fell on December 18, 1948, while carrying out his duties in the Velveta 2 operation – the transfer of Spitfires from Czechoslovakia to Israel. After the takeoff, the aircraft structure encountered severe weather conditions, the connection with its plane was lost and it crashed in the territory of Yugoslavia. After his fall, he was awarded the rank of Wing Head (Lieutenant Colonel). Shmuel was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. Left behind a wife, Elsie.

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