Pinchasi, Shmuel
Son of Moshe and Sarah. He was born on May 15, 2626 in Tiflis (Kokaz), Russia. He completed his studies at the elementary and high school in Istanbul (St. George). Immigrated to Israel via Istanbul – Syria – Lebanon by train in 1942. He studied at the Mosenzon Agricultural School in Magdiel, which was under the supervision of “Youth Aliyah”; He was active in illegal immigration and was also a member of the Haganah, was in agricultural training in Nahalal and in the knitting of an agricultural nucleus in Ramot Naftali before the War of Independence, and after the War of Independence took part in it, On the 17th of Sivan 5767 (15.6.1967) he fell in the line of duty and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The Committee for the Commemoration of his Memory undertook to provide the tuition for his name, and the Department for the Commemoration of the Soldier also participated.