Nelken, Israel (Zella)

Nelken, Israel (Zella)

Son of Leah-Lucia and Elazar-Ludwig, was born on May 17, 1926, in Berlin, the capital of Germany, when he was seven years old, “In the year he completed his studies at the Beit Hakerem high school, he moved to the Kadouri Agricultural School, where he was interested in mathematics and continued to study on his own. He was a member of the Palmach and following the operations in the valley he was arrested for several months in Rafah. Israel paid the cowshed and cattle breeding by studying and studying the professional literature. When his group immigrated to the settlement and established Kibbutz Mishmar Hanegev, he devoted himself to building the cowshed and became the center of the cowshed from its inception. On behalf of his kibbutz, he completed a course for guardians in a children’s village and served as a guard and commander in the Negev Guard. During the War of Independence, when difficulties arose in bringing supplies, he took care of various arrangements in order to continue raising the wagons. In the conditions of war, after many hours of guard duty, he knew how to overcome and continue a normal life and also found time for his studies. Israel fell in Mishmar Hanegev on the 17th of Iyar 5708 (May 25, 1948) when it came to a landmine while pursuing a cart that entered a minefield. He was laid to rest at the cemetery in Mishmar Hanegev. His parents and friends in Mishmar Hanegev established an agricultural library in his honor.

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