Münster, King of Isaac

Münster, King of Isaac

Son of Aharon-Aryeh and Sarah. He was born on May 10, 1953 in the town of Kampulong, Romania. His family, a traditional observant family, did everything in its power to preserve the values ​​of Judaism in Communist Romania and educated King Me’el HaKatan according to these values ​​when he was five years old, immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Kiryat Gat. The stunning transition from the Romanian town, full of water and greenery to the arid and yellow Negev, left its mark on the sensitive soul of a king who for many days continued to look for the green colors he had grown accustomed to. After a while, the family moved to Rekhasim. He became a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement and was an active member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement until he was drafted into the IDF. He continued to study at the high school yeshiva of Bnei Akiva in Kfar Haroeh and was a good student who was diligent and loved by his teachers and friends, during his studies he was socially active, helped organize parties and celebrations, trips and trips, During the period of freedom he used to work in Kfar Chassidim, helping to support the family’s economy, and he joined the IDF in mid-August 1971 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, because he wanted to give his full part in the defense of his homeland. He successfully completed a load-bearing course and fulfilled his duties to the satisfaction of his superiors. He was involved in my only life and accepted by his friends. On the 16th of Tishrei, 5763 (16.9.1972), Terash Melech fell in the line of duty while cleaning up terrorist nests in the village of Adaysa in Lebanon. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Kfar Hasidim cemetery. In a letter of condolences to the parents, his commander wrote: “Tarsh, the late King of Münster served under my command, belonged to an excellent group of fighters – who is the spearhead of the IDF – – was a courageous and fearful fighter and in his fall he sanctified the name of Israel and the Name of Heaven, The heroes of Israel flowed through the veins and the heroic legacy of the people of Israel flourished in him. A king remains in the Lev of all of us, his comrades in arms, as a good friend, devoted and honest. “His parents dedicated a Torah scroll to him in the synagogue near the Bnei Akiva yeshiva in Kfar Haroeh; His name was immortalized in the memorial garden in the Ranges

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