Mogilevitz, Hovav
Son of Aryeh Leib. He was born in Tel Aviv in 1917. He was a healthy, strong and courageous boy, and when he returned home at 9 PM from school, he was asked if he was not afraid to go alone at a late hour. He replied: “This is our country! And you taught me not to be afraid of anything.” As a youth, he aspired to be one of the ” working members ” of the ” Hanoar Haoved ” club, and he did join the Histadrut before graduating, after which he was accepted as an apprentice in the Herzlia Company. He was sent to Shfayim, which was at the time of its construction, and immediately occupied an important place in work and in guarding. One of his friends said: “The company is trying to develop the use of coarse sand from the nearby beach and it is obvious that the sabra was one of the first members of the Zipzif group, and thanks to his skills, it was decided that he would be the first employee in Pardes, where the company sought a foothold, and Hovav accepted the job happily and filled it with dedication and success. But it was very difficult because “he always burst into dangerous places. At each night patrol he demanded his participation. . . His friends’ resistance prevented him from joining the “Fugitives in the North” camp, but when he found out about a night tour to come to the aid of one of the groups, he demanded to be among those who joined. On that night, on 22 Elul, the 18th of September 1938, the van in which he was traveling with his friends rode over a mine near Shefayim and Hovav was killed in the explosion. His bereaved father said: “I gave it all to my children The third – I no longer have.” and called for” settlement activity and a peace war.” His name was commemorated in the book” Lash VeMaggen ” and a list in his memory was published in Davar.