Mizrahi, Yitzhak

Mizrahi, Yitzhak

Son of Yocheved and Yosef, was born in 1927 in Jerusalem and lived with his parents in Bat Yam. Yitzhak finished elementary school and then went to work to help the family. In his spare time after work, he studied the electrical profession and later worked on it. During the Second World War he enlisted in the British Army and fought in the Western Desert in Libya and the Tobruk Harbor. For a year his parents had heard nothing of him. After being in a hospital in Egypt for a while, the authorities decided to release him from the British army. On his return to Israel, he belonged to the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), and since November 1947 he was very active in guarding various positions in Bat Yam. On the tenth of Tevet 5708 (23.12.1947), he left his parents’ home opposite the Arab positions in Jabalya, Jaffa, and was wounded by an Arab sniper, who was transferred to the hospital where he died of his wounds. (23.9.1954) was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at the site.

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