Mizrachi-Almog, Haim

Mizrachi-Almog, Haim

The son of Morris and Esther. He was born on January 4, 1943 in Tel Aviv and studied at the “Horev” elementary school in the city. After his family moved to Holon, he completed his studies at Gordon Elementary School and excelled in mathematics. After completing his studies, he studied mechanics at the ORT school for two years and eventually studied electrical engineering and aircraft instruments at the Holtz School, where he studied computer programming and programming from the Data company and took external matriculation exams. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved vehalomed youth movement and was a cheerful and joyous young man, who wrote poems and drew paintings and also played classical and modern songs with great charm. After basic training he was assigned to an operational unit, but he did not tell what happened to him in the unit. He was transferred to a Nahal unit and served as a battalion platoon commander to the satisfaction of his superiors, and in his unit he had many friends and at every opportunity and at every party he and the guitar were the focus of joy and the center of interest. On June 17, 1973, he fell while fulfilling his duties and was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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