Melo, Nadav Menachem

Melo, Nadav Menachem

Son of Bridget (Yirat) and Avraham. He was born on Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu on December 29, 1972. On the morning of Sunday, July 6, 1997, during a security ambush that Nadav commanded, in the eastern sector of the security zone in southern Lebanon, a clash occurred with a terrorist cell 10 days before the company’s withdrawal from the line in Lebanon and three months before the date of his wedding with Tirza. Nadav fell in battle and was twenty-four years old. He was laid to rest in the military section of his kibbutz – Sde Eliyahu. Survived by his parents, two brothers, and a sister. After his death Nadav was promoted to the rank of Major. At the funeral of Nadav, a large crowd attended, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Northern Command Chief Amiram Levin, who eulogized him.

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