Margalit, Yaakov-Kappel

Margalit, Yaakov-Kappel

Son of Yekutiel-Yehuda and Sarah. He was born on Thursday, March 7, 1948, in Budapest, Hungary, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1949. He studied at the elementary school in Moshav Tifrah in the Negev and at the Nahalat Reuven Yeshiva in Petach Tikvah, where he studied for two years at the Ponevez Yeshiva And then moved to a professional yeshiva in Kfar Chabad, where he completed his carpentry studies. He spent four years in Kfar Chabad, traveled the paths of the kindergarten, worked in the study halls and worked diligently with his teachers and friends because of his perseverance and academic excellence, and was very close to his classmates. 1967, and volunteered to serve in the Nahal Brigade together with his colleagues in the “Ezra” nucleus of the Poalei Agudat Israel youth movement and was the secretary of the nucleus and the manager of its affairs. So. He went to a settlement in Kibbutz Modi’in (this was an intermediate stage for the future settlement of Kibbutz Mevo-Horon near Latrun). He was injured there and operated twice because of this injury. After finishing his training period in the battalion, he went on military service in the Jordan Valley and in the Arava, and sometimes he returned to the kibbutz. In the last months of his life, he served in various areas in the Sinai and the Canal Line, but he seldom came home. About ten days before he fell he was at home on Shabbat and blessed the “Hagomel” for having miraculously survived an enemy bullet that penetrated his steel hat and did not hit him. Afterward he went to Be’er Sheva and enrolled in the engineering school. Was killed in an enemy-bombardment near the Suez Canal and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva.

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