Lousky, Henry

Lousky, Henry

Ben Ellis and David. A brother to Yehuda, my father, Armond and Miri. He was born on February 22, 1948, in Morocco, where he studied at an elementary school and at the Alliance high school and immigrated to Israel in 1963 with his family. At the beginning of February 1967, Henry enlisted in the IDF, first serving as a combat soldier in the Golani Brigade, during the War of Attrition he served as a combat paramedic and later became an airborne airborne medic, and at the beginning of November 1970 Henry enlisted in the career army. And two years later their eldest son, Abraham, was born, and two years later their daughter Yehudit was born and their daughter Vardit was born in 1978. In 1974 his brother died, Yehuda, two years later, was orphaned by his father, David, and in 1981 he was orphaned from his mother, Alice, and in 1982 Henry passed away in the Hazzet A graduate of the University of Haifa’s Department of External Studies, and in 1985 he completed his studies at the Armored Corps Air and Air Academy, where he later became a certified technician in the field of industry and management. On the 22nd of Adar 5754 (February 22, 1994), on his forty-sixth birthday, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon, leaving behind a wife, son and two daughters, two brothers and a sister. He led the branch of government and discipline with a high hand and brought achievements to the subjects he was responsible for. Issues related to the heart of the military experience – discipline, law and order. As a person who was in charge of all the military and state ceremonies, he made sure to pay homage to the State, the IDF, and to Adam, as a person who was a man of values, values ​​of work, perfection, true Zionism and tradition … Henry was and always will be a man we all love. “He was a man who was so sensitive, a model friend who was always ready to help and help others and felt a total commitment to the framework, a family man.

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