Levin, Avigdor
Avigdor, son of Beila and Yaakov, was born in 1928 in the Soviet Union, in the city of Ludmir in the Volhynia region of Ukraine, where he received a Hebrew education at the Tarbut school in his hometown. The city was known as an important Jewish center, although many of the Jewish institutions were closed by the Soviets, and the Germans entered Ludmor on June 25, 1941, and two weeks later the Gestapo took over the Jews of the city. 150 Jews were arrested and shot to death, and a ghetto was established for all the Jews of the city, and the Judenrat police supervised them On September 1, 1942, the Germans conducted an aktion during the week in which 18,000 Jews were killed, and the rest were liquidated in November 1942. In the ghetto, some 500 people remained in the ghetto, 1942. The 14-year-old Avigdor saw the murder of his parents and sister at the time of the liquidation of the ghetto, and at the last moment he managed to secretly cross the front line into Russian territory. When he arrived in Israel, Avigdor was admitted to a youth group on Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha. He chose not to join the settlement but rather preferred life in the city, and moved to Tel Aviv. He worked in various jobs in Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan. Before the War of Independence, Avigdor enlisted in the Palmach and underwent training, and at the beginning of the war he served in the Fourth Battalion (the “Burglars”), And sat on Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim. Later on, his fighters were joined to the Harel Brigade – the 10th Brigade in the Hagana, which fought a lot about the city of Jerusalem, the surrounding settlements and the road to it. In May 1948, Avigdor participated in the Battle of Beit Mahsir in Operation Maccabi. Operation “Maccabi” began on May 8 and ended on the 14th. Its goal was to break the siege imposed by the Arabs on Jerusalem in the Sha’ar Hagai area. During the operation, the Harel fighters broke through the Arab roadblocks at Sha’ar Hagai and conquered the Arab outposts and villages in fierce battles. One of the most difficult battles took place in the Arab village of Beit Mahsir (today the moshav of Beit Meir) on May 9, 1948. Dozens of fighters from the Harel Brigade and other units, including Avigdor, were killed in the battle, which ended on the eve of the establishment of the State of Israel, The section of the blocked road was breached at Sha’ar Hagai, the road to besieged Jerusalem was opened and a solid line of Israeli outposts was established, protecting the area from the Jordanian invasion army that had been established in Latrun. “Last Scion” are survivors of the Holocaust who remained the last remnant of their nuclear family (parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters), who lived on Shrem the Aimt Holocaust in ghettos and / or concentration camps and / or on the run and hiding in the territories occupied by the Nazis and / or fighting alongside the men of the underground or partisan areas Nazi occupation who immigrated to Israel during the Second World War or after, uniforms and fell in Israel’s wars.