Levi, Eliyahu
Son of Esther and Shlomo-Petachia Halevy was born in 1920 in Jerusalem. His father was a rabbi and cantor of the Persian community in the city. During the war, he was one of the defenders of besieged Jerusalem and enlisted in a full mobilization for the Jerusalem Brigade. After a short training, he was sent to lay mines in the fields around Sanhedria and Sheikh Jarrah and was in an extreme position in northern Jerusalem between the school neighborhood and the police school. On the 3rd of Tammuz 5708 (10.7.1948) the enemy began to bombard the place and the first shell hit him and killed him, he was buried in Sheik Bader, and left behind a wife and two children On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1950hewas brought to) To eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.