Kroch, Jacob (Ernest)

Kroch, Jacob (Ernest)

Son of Hans was born on the 23rd of Heshvan 5623 (23.11.1923) in the city of Leipzig, Germany. Where he attended high school until 1938. From his youth he was a member of a Zionist youth movement. In 1938 he left Germany and moved to Holland. After the German occupation of the Netherlands during the Second World War, he managed to escape to Argentina with his father and sisters, where he continued his high school studies. He joined the youth movement Ha-No’ar ha-Tsiyyoni at the site and prepared himself for pioneering studies and life in Israel. Jacob immigrated to Israel in 1945 with a group of pioneers who immigrated from Argentina. He joined the Nitzanim group, worked in all sectors of the agriculture and contributed greatly to its development and consolidation. Recently he worked as a carpenter in planting and caring for orchards. At the beginning of the summer of 1947 he went on a mission to Cyprus, where he stayed for about six months and when the War of Independence broke out he returned to Israel and devoted himself to defending the point. After completing the course of the Egyptian column near Ashdod, Kibbutz Nitzanim remained behind, and the Egyptians understood that this point could serve as the basis for the activity of our forces in the rear and therefore concentrated considerable force in order to conquer it. At night, the Israeli army shelled the farm, and in the morning the infantry assault began, but it was stopped by the defenders, who increased the shelling and even bombed planes that bombed the agriculture and caused heavy damage. 9 Iyar 5708 (7.6.1948) was brought to rest at the tomb The buds.

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