Kazemel, Wisam
Ben Zohar and Vajia. He was born on January 3, 1977 in Beit Jann, the eldest son of his parents. Wisam was a pleasant, modest boy. He began his studies at the Naif Kablan Elementary School in the village, continued in the junior high school in the village and graduated from the vocational high school Amal in Safed, said Jamal Mahmud Qablan, the principal of the school he attended in Beit Jann: “Wissam was a quiet, shy, courteous student who respected his fellow students, his teachers, loved the school, initiated and contributed to a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom.” Wissam had many friends from the village and the environment with whom he loved to spend. Wiesam’s great love was the football team he admired, “Maccabi” Haifa, with his friends, he closely followed the team’s games, and his victory For a long time, Wissam spent his spare time with his family and seven younger brothers and always helped his parents when he was asked, because of his kindness to others and his smile, Wisam was loved by everyone he knew and he was able to return love and be a friend and friend. He was proud of his father and uncle, who served in the Border Police, and waited impatiently for his enlistment, often disguising himself as a policeman or playing a role as a soldier in plays in the classroom.Wissam fought to enlist and when he received the desired enlistment date he was happy. In February 1996 Weissam was drafted into the IDF and after a few months of service he moved to a different division so that he could serve in more convenient conditions that would enable him to support his sick father and his family “Wissam was told that he was calm, sensitive and friendly and did his job well.In June 1996, during his service, Wisam became engaged to a Bat Jan girl he had loved for a long period of time, both of whom dreamed of setting up a home and family in the village. January 7, 1997. He was buried at the military cemetery in Beit Jann, leaving behind his parents and seven Brothers – and aces, Susan Rowan, Assad, Aiihm, Slb’h and Daniel.