Hoffman, Moshe (Max)

Hoffman, Moshe (Max)

Moshe (Max), son of Esther and Leo Hoffman, was born in 1925, in Hust, Slovakia. He immigrated to Israel in 1940. He was a member of the Haganah from 1942. In 1946 he was released from the British army, returned to Israel and worked in various professions (frameworks, mechanics, drivers, etc.). In 1947 he married, settled in Kiryat Chaim, and worked in the “Solel Boneh” company. He joined the War of Independence in December 1947, was posted to the Carmeli Brigade and took part in operations in the Western Galilee region. On 16 Adar II, 27.3.1948) he joined a convoy that left from Nahariya with 7 vehicles and 90 people. The convoy of armored vehicles was ambushed, and the convoy members fought until the evening. Under cover of darkness some of them managed to escape, but about half of them fell in battle, and Moshe was among them. He was brought to rest in the Nahariya military cemetery.

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