Greenwald, Yonatan-Shlomo

Greenwald, Yonatan-Shlomo

Son of Shmaryahu and Rebecca. He was born on September 15, 1938 in Tel Aviv. After completing his studies at the Tel Aviv Municipal High School, he was accepted to the academic reserve and began his studies at the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He loved music and read a lot of books, especially in the field of philosophy and literature. He excelled in his analytical and dialectical skills, which was especially evident during arguments in the classroom, in the youth group to which he belonged, and among the students. He was also gifted with a highly developed oratorio. His qualities made him a central personality among his friends. Devoted much of his time and energies to the “Youth for Youth” organization, which the Tel Aviv municipality initiated in order to activate the urban youth who study for the disadvantaged youth in the suburbs and in the transit camps; In this department he played an important role as a worker and operator, counselor and counselor. On the 25th of Tishrei 5718 (25.10.1957), while on the course of the General Staff, he died and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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