Gafni (Bombay), Binyamin (Yumel)

Gafni (Bombay), Binyamin (Yumel)

Was born on July 6, 1930 in Petach Tikvah, the third generation in Israel, and after graduating from elementary school he studied mechanics and began to work in his profession. And suffered the pain of his fighting brothers in the Warsaw Ghetto, even though he did not know them, and their tragic war exalted him, and he was the one who suffered all his hardships in the Palmach, Sodom, and elsewhere. Later, when he was 18 years old during the War of Independence, he participated in the battle for the conquest of Katamon in Jerusalem, was injured in his hand and was healed. He took part in the battle for the Castel and in other activities in defense of the road to Jerusalem. The day before the first truce, when he returned from the operation at Ma’aleh Hahamisha to his base in Kiryat Anavim, he was seriously wounded by a shell and taken to the hospital in Jerusalem. He knew that he had come close and asked to give to his family, that he had gone for the homeland and had fallen on the altar of the homeland. The next day, on 12 June 1948. He was buried in Sanhedria, and was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on September 20, 1951.

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