Fleck, Yoram
Son of Eliyahu and Haniyeh. He was born on February 21, 1951, in Moshav Merhavia. He studied at the Jezreel elementary school in Afula. He was among the outstanding students and the teachers liked him because he was quiet, humble and dedicated to his work without wanting to stand out and boast about it. He was modest by nature, kind and kind. Yoram grew up in an agricultural farm in the moshav, where there was much work. He loved the work and when he had a spare moment he would help as much as he could in the farm. After his return from school he prepared his lessons and immediately came to give his share of the work. So he did in the summer, in the hot heat of the Jezreel Valley, and so he did during the winter; The rain and the mud did not deter him. Whoever saw him in his work saw what devotion, will and love to work. Helping the parents was also an expression of respect for fathers and mothers. And as he respected his parents, Derech Eretz treated every person who came to their home. He also loved animals very much. He excelled in riding sports, and several times he won riding competitions and was awarded prizes – trophies and medals. After graduating from elementary school, he attended the Afula High School. At the end of his second year he decided to attend the Air Force Technical School. Since he was ten years old, he was attracted to everything related to the air force and during his free time he worked on building models and assembling airplane models. When he was thirteen he regularly read the IAF magazine. Yoram moved from the high school to the technical school of the IAF and specialized in helicopter electronics. He was well-versed in security matters. He lived the security problems from an early age, because he grew up in a home where security was the bread of his rule. His father served as an officer in the Armored Corps and participated in the Six-Day War, during which Yoram was 16 years old and the agriculture was left with no men capable of bearing the burden of his work. And the help was mutual, the headquarters was in the family home, and Yoram ran the whole thing and worked day and night, and one day during the war, Yoram assisted in transporting tractors with platforms to a known army camp to transport mines. That there were not enough adult tractor drivers Yoram participated in this operation and there was no end to his happiness and joy. He was drafted into the IDF in October 1969. That year there were many chases after terrorists and the IDF used helicopters to chase them, Yoram’s parents tried to persuade him to finish the electronics course, but he decided to move to a helicopter unit and was chosen to be an airborne mechanic. He participated in operational activities and took part in the transfer of the forces to Operation Shadan and their return after the operation, on January 24, 1970. He assisted with many others in the rescue of the Ammunition Truck that exploded in Eilat and during his service he died. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Merhavia. The commander of the unit wrote to the bereaved parents in a condolence letter: “The disaster we experienced in the fall of your son was a severe blow to his friends and friends. It is saddening to know us more that we know that Yoram saw his future as part of this unit and aspired to advance in it. ” His name is commemorated on the monument erected in Moshav Merhavia in memory of the fallen members of the moshav; A table in his memory was placed in the synagogue of the village; In the annual Sussiada competitions, a race of soldiers in uniform takes place in the memory of Yoram, and the winner is awarded a traveling trophy donated by Moshav Merhavia.