Elmuzlinnu, Moshe (Maiz)

Elmuzlinnu, Moshe (Maiz)

Born in 1919 in Sofia, Bulgaria, he arrived in Israel in 1927 at the age of eight. Here he studied in an elementary school and later studied shoemaking. Moses married a wife and supported his house from the depths of his hands. After a while he changed his profession, specialized in a chemist, and passed military training at the time, but during the War of Independence he was drafted into the infantry of the Givati ​​Brigade. He was a good athlete and a good soldier. After the failure of their attack on Negba on July 12, 1948, the Egyptians seized hill 105, north of the kibbutz, in order to dismantle it. That night, Givati ​​forces attacked the outpost and captured it from the Egyptians. In this battle, Moshe fell on the day of Tammuz 5708 (13 July 1948.) He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Be’er Tuvia, leaving behind a wife and a child.

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