Efrat, Ariel
Ben Sarah and Moshe. He was born on 17 September 1971 in Kiryat Haim. He began his studies at the Kiryat Haim elementary school, continued his electronics studies at the naval officers’ school in Acre, and completed his studies as an outstanding trainee. Ariel had a diving course, his love for the sea was great and it was only natural that his military service would be done by the navy. At the beginning of November 1989, Ariel was drafted into a compulsory army service and was appointed as a technician for broadcasting systems In a diving accident that occurred on April 21, 1990, Ariel was seriously injured and hospitalized in Rambam Hospital in Haifa. After nine days, on 30 April 1990, he died of his wounds, Ariel was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, and was survived by his parents and sister Sharon, who was nineteen years old when he died. . In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit’s commander wrote: “A young, active, diligent and diligent young man whose sports activities and love of the sea will continue until his last day.”