Dovid, Shalom

Dovid, Shalom

Son of Moshe and Tzipora. Born on December 2, 1946 in Cyprus, he immigrated to Israel with his family in 1946. He spent his early childhood in Kiryat Haim, near Haifa, and when he was six he moved with his family to Pardes Hannah where he acquired his basic education. David was drafted into the IDF in 1964, when he was 17, with a core of “resources.” After his military service he settled in the kibbutz as a friend and there he established his home. In 1967 he married a wife, and in the summer of that year he left the farm and moved to Carmiel, where his eldest son, Gil, was born. A year later he moved to Holon and then joined the regular army and served in the Engineering Corps. He served in the Sinai until he was wounded in the leg and then moved to serve in the center of the country. In 1970 his second son, Nir, was born. On the 13th of Adar 5731 (10.3.1971), before the end of the course, he fell in the line of duty and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving a wife and two children.

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