Cohen, Chaim (Eliahu)

Cohen, Chaim (Eliahu)

Chaim, son of Sarah and Moshiach Moshe Cohen, was born in Jerusalem on September 25, 1925. He was one of the first to stand up for the preservation of his hometown of Jerusalem. During Operation Nachshon, he was among the defenders of the Castel, and even after his injury he refused to leave the battle and continued to wage a heroic war with his fellow members. The Kastel was under constant Arab attacks, and in one of them, their leader, Abd al-Qader al-Husseini, was killed. The Arabs carried out a heavy attack on the outpost and his defenders were forced to retreat. In this battle Chaim fell on the 28th of Adar 5708 (1948). On the 12th of Kislev 5714 (19.11.1953) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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