Casp, Yechiel-Asher

Casp, Yechiel-Asher

Son of Anna and Jacob. He was born in Romania and immigrated to Eretz Israel with the Youth Aliyah. During the Second World War he enlisted in the British Army and was assigned to the British Expeditionary Force. He served in the Western Desert and in March 1941 was sent to Greece with the Imperial Expeditionary Force to stop the German invasion of this country. At the end of April, most of the corps surrendered to the Germans, and many of its soldiers, including Yechiel, were captured by the Germans. He spent more than a year in captivity until, in a daring operation, he escaped, and for several months he hid in hiding awaiting evacuation. In October 1942 he was smuggled out by the Greek underground. After his return he volunteered for a special unit and was sent to Italy to perform special and dangerous missions and excelled in them. Due to his boldness and bravery, he received two medals: for his bold escape from captivity, he was decorated with a military medal and for transgressions, he was awarded the excellent service. On the 23rd of Cheshvan 5704 (21.11.1943) he fell in battle in Italy, and his burial place is unknown.

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