Buks, Edmond
Son of Yehezkel and Bilha. He was born on November 7, 1928 in the city of Enver, Belgium. He grew up in Paris, where his parents lived. At the age of 15 he joined the Maki fighters during the Second World War and participated in many battles (mainly in the vicinity of Provence) and was wounded there four times. One stray bullet remained in his body, but his fighting enthusiasm and military talent were unaffected. At the end of the war, he returned to his studies, but when he reached the end of the War of Independence, he immediately settled in his place of residence and a group of 35 members (Machal members) arrived in Israel in May 1948. The group was immediately attached to the Beit Horon Battalion. He decided to stay in Israel even after the war and to join the Maaleh Hahamisha group, where his sister was found, during a tour with three of his friends near Ein-Jamil near Beit Sourik on the 21st of Sivan 5704 “On June 18, 1949, the enemy soldiers opened fire, but even after he was wounded, he did not flinch and continued to chase the infiltrators. Burial at Ma’aleh Hahamisha and on the 9th of Marcheshvan 5711 (18.11.1951) was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.