Buchheister (Bockheimer), Natan-Naftali
Son of-Rivka-Yehudit and Yosef Aryeh-Leib, was born in 1923 to a distinguished Zionist family in Cracow, Poland, and attended the Hebrew Gymnasium. He managed to finish the Gymnasium and begin technical studies at a high school. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he managed to make his way to the Polish army in exile under the command of General Anders, who was then in Italy, and enlisted in his ranks. After the war he was transferred to England and stayed for a year and half a year in a camp of liberated Polish soldiers. He wanted a permit to immigrate to Israel and did not receive it, and only with the efforts of the Jewish Agency was he permitted to immigrate and was very fond of the members of the convoy that he had immigrated with in 1947. He wanted to continue his studies but lacked any means of doing various jobs and finally worked at the Shemen factory in Haifa. During the War of Independence he served in the Artillery Corps. Operation “Horev” stood with his port in the port near Rafah. In one of the battles, on the 4th of Tevet 5709 (4.1.1949), his tank stopped five Egyptian tanks and was finally killed by a shell fired from the sixth tank. – The military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.