,אֵ-ל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים, שׁוכֵן בַּמְּרומִים, הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה נְכונָה
,עַל כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה בְּמַעֲלות קְדושִׁים, טְהורִים וְגִבּורִים
כְּזֹהַר הָרָקִיעַ מַזְהִירִים, לְנִשְׁמות חַיָּלֵי צְבָא הֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל
,אֵ-ל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים, שׁוכֵן בַּמְּרומִים, הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה נְכונָה
,עַל כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה בְּמַעֲלות קְדושִׁים, טְהורִים וְגִבּורִים
כְּזֹהַר הָרָקִיעַ מַזְהִירִים, לְנִשְׁמות חַיָּלֵי צְבָא הֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל
Ben Ariela and Yitzhak. He was born on February 27, 1981 in Kiryat Motzkin. Brother to Alon and Yoav. A beautiful and beautiful baby, who emerged on the morning of a day, after a night’s sleep. Matan was a friendly and happy child. His childhood was wrapped in warmth and love, rich in experiences, trips and many activities in the family circle. At an early age he demonstrated independence, self-confidence, and leadership skills. At the age of two, when he first entered the kindergarten, he “expelled” his mother and fired her from the obligation to attend the first days of absorption. He also assisted the kindergarten teacher in caring for children and activities in the kindergarten. Matan’s attraction to a children’s company was exceptional. At the age of six, when the family moved into a high-rise building populated by many children his age, he developed a habit: Every afternoon he would pass between the floors and gather the children around him. Together they would disappear and spend the evening in the amusement facilities and the public garden. At the end of first grade, he moved with his family to Karmiel, to a neighborhood established by Rafael’s workers, and began studying at the “Haprahim” elementary school, quickly settling into new friends. The friends used to say that Matan adored Alon, his older brother, and loved his younger brother, Yoav, and after completing the elementary school, Matan continued to the Ort Carmim junior high school in Carmiel and later to the brigade He devoted his free time to friends and to many circles, including a group for youth with a mind, a basketball club and a dance class He was dressed in clothes that made them torn and deliberately tended, his hair was once blond and long and sometimes chopped orange.In the high school years he created new social connections, the group of boys he was part of joined the group, Who used to spend time together and occasionally perform pranks, and during the emotional storms his special social sensitivity began to crystallize, and during this period he was swept into political activity and was a staunch supporter of the Moledet movement, but over the years he moderated and even crossed the lines to the left of the political map. At the age of sixteen, as part of his personal commitment project, Matan joined Al Sam and became an outstanding activist. During these years his special personality was shaped, with the social values in which he advocated and believed: justice, true friendship and love of man. The ties between him and the family grew stronger and he responded with love and appreciation to the trust that had been given to him during his adolescence. He completed his studies in the first graduating class of the ORT Kramim high school. As a token of appreciation for his ethical leadership and in recognition of his excellence in the social field, he was awarded a scholarship from the ORT network and enjoyed it in the period prior to his induction into the IDF. He asked to serve in a combat unit and chose the Armored Corps, since it was drawn to the tank’s strength and to the combination of technical activity and the atmosphere of combat activity. At the beginning of his career as a soldier, he asked to join the 188th Brigade, which he had heard a lot about. During basic training and at the vocational level he was satisfied with his choice. In spite of the doubts that surfaced from time to time regarding his continued service as a tankist, he completed his training and joined the Golan Company in the Sufa Battalion, Matan loved the company’s atmosphere, was proud of its symbols and was among the leading He served in the army as a sergeant, and he served his military service willingly and out of recognition, and was whole with his combat work, but he was not among the “addicts” and did not develop any special ambitions for advancement or career.. After completing a service period of about a year and a half, he achieved a small ‘dream’: he took a driving course in the jeep and was appointed to the position at Kokod, in the company command team. For half a year he fondly cultivated the Jeep. Among his operational assignments he managed to travel with his commanders throughout the sector in which he served – the Galilee Finger. Throughout his service in the various sectors on the northern border, Matan’s close relationship with the family was maintained, which was reflected in frequent Sabbath visits and joint recreation, whenever possible. After six months of service at Kokod, Matan felt that the job was exhausted and asked to rejoin his friends, serve as a tank soldier and help young soldiers in a company that had gone on a mission to Netzarim in the Gaza Strip. His commanders testified that this was a rare step – the service in Kokod was perceived as a wanted job, while Matan gave up on him in order to return to an exhausting routine: tank treatment, combat operations, ambushes, opening a route, etc. Matan’s company spent five months in the Netzarim area, and its successful operation won the Northern Command’s Citation, which ended abruptly on Thursday, February 14, 2003, when a tank mounted a powerful explosive device as a result of the explosion. Matan stayed at home for a vacation, did not reveal his feelings and his shock at the loss of his friends, and showed no sign of apprehension or fear, and returned to the company in Netzarim that same night. In retrospect, his comrades in the company said that Matan, like them, underwent a deep shock and returned to killing But they feared the continuation of the activity and its character, when they lost the confidence they felt in the Steel Monster, and expected their return to the Golan Heights for a period of training and organization – a very popular period for providing all of the company’s teams and social cohesion. He also mentioned his twenty-first birthday with his family and friends, filled with plans for the future, for the post-liberation period: thoughts on studies, trips and plans for life in general. Matan used to talk frequently with the whole family. On the eve of his fall he spoke to them for a long time, especially with his younger brother. This conversation, soaked with mutual love, was their last conversation. On the 14th of Nisan 5762 (March 14, 2002), Matan fell in operational activity on the Karnei Netzarim axis, and a few days after returning from his vacation, he and his crew left for operational activity in the area. They were killed and three of the crew members were killed, along with First Sergeant Alaa Beitshi and Sergeant Rotem Shani, twenty-one years old, Matan was killed, and he was laid to rest in the Carmiel Military Cemetery. Parents and two brothers. “The poem” Adon Matan and Adoni Lekach, “written by his teacher from the Kramim school, includes, among other things, the lines:” The boy is walking towards me in a / His hair is short / His forehead is serious / His speech is meticulous / Matan Adoni – the boy / Especially from you / Especially now, / Of all my students I have learned … ” Inspired by the scholarship Matan received after graduating from high school, it was decided to introduce a school tradition in which a scholarship would be awarded to the graduate of the ORT Kramim School for excellence in social and ideological activities. . In Matan’s wallet was a piece of paper with the lines so characteristic of his personality: “If you learn to give as you are toIf you remember that patience helps to win, then you will know at last, and everyone will know that you have truly grown up, a human being. ” Matan’s family publishes a book commemorating him, including things he wrote, written about him and about him.