Biar, Chaim

Biar, Chaim

Ben Sultana and Mordechai, was born on 19 March 1929 in Adirana (Adrianopol), Turkey, where he studied in the elementary and high schools of Alliance, where he was one of the best students and excelled in mathematics. In 1945, he immigrated to Israel by land on the “Youth Aliya” and began to study and work in Eretz Israel. He joined the “Maanit” youth group and went out with the core to additional training When he arrived at Kibbutz Degania, he and his fellow Palmach members joined the Yiftach Brigade and were soon assigned to report to military operations. And in them he excelled in his devotion. On May 31, 1948, in an operation near the Banias, he bravely fought as a machine gunner until he was hit and killed. Haim was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Safed

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