Bar, Moshe
Moshe, son of Shoshana (Sophika) and Yosef, was born on October 16, 1953. He studied at the David Remez Elementary School in Bnei Brak and then completed high school in the Gymnasium He was a student of photography and his spare time devoted to the construction of gliders and airplane models, and he had a large and varied collection of stamps: Moshe was full of mischief, He loved his home and his family and was a loyal and devoted son to his parents, who earned his money as a head of a group of surveyors and bought presents for them on holidays. Moshe was drafted into the IDF in mid-January 1972. He volunteered for a pilot’s course, but was soon assigned to the Armored Corps. After graduating from basic training, he completed a tank course for the “Centurion” tank, completed a course for tank commanders and a course for officers of the Operations Branch, and completed the course for Armored Corps officers at the end of the Yom Kippur War. He was a good, responsible and devoted officer, and he was an example of his friends in his good temper and obedience, as a good and considerate son who tried not to worry his parents and was careful to write home as much as he could, In order to calm them down on the 20th of Tishrei 5734 (October 16, 1973), on his tenth birthday Yam, in the armored corps that took place near the village of Al-Ades in the Tel-Antar region of the Golan Heights, his tank was hit by a missile and Moshe was killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He was survived by a father, mother and brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his friend, who finished the course and fought with him in the Sinai, wrote: “Moses was able to accept everything with understanding and quiet. All that was imposed upon him was carried out with extraordinary devotion and readiness. ” His parents set up a memorial room in his home.