Bandarsky, Daniel
Ben Fania Valerian. Born on January 18, 1975, in Vilnius (Vilna), a second son of a family of two, Daniel began his studies in the general elementary school in Vilnius (Vilna) Daniel – Dan, according to his friends – continued to study at the WIZO high school in Rehovot, in the direction of artistic design. He worked in various arts: painting and carving wood, and dealing with graphics. Dan was a cheerful, cheerful guy, loved the people around him and helped a lot of others. At the beginning of August 1994, Dan was drafted into the IDF, and he enlisted in a combat unit and was assigned to the Nahal Brigade. From the beginning of his service, Dan had been the pride of a unit. When asked about his service, he replied: “It’s hard in the army, but that’s how it should be.” According to his commanders at basic training, Daniel functioned at a high level, was disciplined and showed motivation. He was absorbed among the other soldiers, most of them native Israelis, and was accepted and admired by his comrades and commanders. Dan was chosen from among all the other soldiers to take a sniper course and was scheduled to continue his combat course in the commanders’ course. On October 9, 1994, Daniel fell to the military cemetery in Rehovot, leaving behind his parents and brother Albert, who was nineteen years old when he fell in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family. He chose to be a combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade … He was a very good soldier, disciplined and quiet … He impressed his commanders with great professionalism and was destined for promotion in a future command track. “