Bachar, Ben Zion (Bentzi)

Bachar, Ben Zion (Bentzi)

Ben Hannah and Moshe. Born on Wednesday, 6 March 1960 in Holon, Ben-Bechor and Lahazi, Bentzi grew up in a warm and cohesive family, studied at Syrkin Elementary School, continued at Sprinzak School and graduated from the Holtz High School “He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement and was a counselor at the movement’s branch, and was invited to the IDF at the end of January 1979. He first joined the Nachal group, And later volunteered for a pilot course, which he completed in 1981 as a helicopter pilot in 1982. In 1982, Ben-Zion received a medal from the IAF commander for a rescue operation in the Peace for Galilee War. Ben Zion was stationed in a helicopter squadron at Hatzerim Air Force Base, where he served as an instructor in the flight school, and later as an advanced training commander at the flight school. In 1986, Ben-Zion graduated from the University of Tel Aviv. During his studies, he married Shlomit. At the end of his studies, he returned to the Hatzerim base to become the deputy commander of the helicopter squadron and later received the command of the squadron commander. Where his two children, who are a barber, were born. Three years after returning from school, he took command of the naval helicopter squadron and moved with his family to Palmachim. From there, the squadron was transferred to Ramat David, together with Ben Zion and his family. During the three years in which the squadron commander was involved, Ben Zion was involved in the purchase of a new helicopter. The process required many trips and careful preparation. He entered the process entirely and was even present when the first helicopters arrived. Ben-Zion was described by his commanders as an exemplary, high-ranking, dedicated and professional officer, who showed determination and expertise in carrying out his missions, was admired and accepted by his commanders and subordinates. On September 16, 1996, Ben Zion was killed in a helicopter crash during a training flight off the coast of Nahariya, killing Captain Shahak Sela and Captain Eran Garbia, and Shahak’s body was found the next day and Ben Zion and Eran were missing. Ben Zion was buried four months after his death on January 20, 1997, at the Holon military cemetery, at the age of thirty-six, leaving behind a woman, a son and a daughter, a mother In a letter of consolation to the family, the commander of the base wrote: “Bentzi was a determined commander. A commander who planned to the last detail and in the long run, a commander who knew how to stand up and insist on high norms. More than anything else, Bentzi served as a reservoir of authoritative and exclusive knowledge, and the final arbiter – the strength of his personality and professional expertise – guided him to us as a counselor and a ruler. True and always devoted. “

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