Avinoach, John

Avinoach, John

Son of Baruch and Leah. Born on 2 February 1946 at Kibbutz Nitzanim, Kibbutz Nitzanim was attacked by armed Arab gangs for many months when the Egyptians invaded from the south and attacked the kibbutz, The children of the kibbutz came to Beer Tuvia two days after the establishment of the State of Israel, when Yochanan Yohanan was evacuated to Bar Tuvia (John’s father was in medical treatment in the United States because of a disability from his service in the British army) The kibbutz members (and his mother among them) decided to establish a new spot next to the destroyed farm near the Nitzanim Youth Village. In August 1950, the family left the kibbutz and moved to Migdal, which was then the Arab part of Ashkelon, where they lived for two years, after which the family moved to the Afridar neighborhood of Ashkelon, where Yochanan graduated from elementary school as a good student and began to attend school He was a diligent and diligent student without his parents being able to help him because they were busy with his daily work in the store and when he returned from school he had to find many hobbies and hobbies until his parents returned in the evening. His hobbies were varied: collecting coins, stamps, labels of matches, and more. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1964 and assigned to the Armored Corps, and he also paved his way successfully. He completed an officer’s course and signed a regular service in early April 1967. He found his girlfriend alive before he was released from the army, and their ties became even closer. She found him Lev, optimistic, and always smiling. He was quiet, modest and very serious. He never had complaints or complaints. He always said that for every purpose you can come out of patience. By nature he would always give in to others, especially his wife. He wanted her to be Simcha with everything. When the son was born he was not Simcha with him and he treated him with great devotion to ease his wife. He devoted many hours to renovations and gardening, and wandered the city for a long time until he got what he wanted. He loved classical music and taught his wife to listen to her lovingly. He began to study economics at Bar-Ilan University, but the heavy work pressure prevented him from studying regularly, and he managed to finish only two years with great success, but by the third year he was already He did not learn because of his occupation of the army, so he asked to be released so that he could work and study in an orderly fashion. His death was awarded in memory of Major Yochanan Avinoach, a certificate of honor and appreciation from the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, “Yochanan devoted himself to increasing the strength of the IDF and cultivating its spirit, while the good of the state before its eyes – – its memory will be besieged with us, together with the memory of all heroes of the Israel Defense Forces.” After his fall, the family published a booklet bearing the name “Yochanan”; A library of natural sciences in his name was established at the Ashkelon Municipal High School where he studied; Every year, a prize is awarded to an outstanding student in the natural sciences at the Ashkelon Municipal High School.

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