Avdi, Haim (Victor)

Avdi, Haim (Victor)

Son of Zaki and Mimi. Was born on October 28, 1951 in Cairo, Egypt, and immigrated with his family to Israel in 1957. He attended the Remez Elementary School in Ashkelon and the ORT vocational high school. By nature, he liked to assemble delicate electronic instruments, dismantle them and experiment with them. He liked to fix everything that needed to be fixed (such as a speaker or a radio) and with his hands he mounted a megaphone to play music. He was active and active in all household tasks – painting, carpentry, and even sewing. He was particularly “crazy” to drive a car. He loved his parents passionately and always tried not to burden them financially. He did not demand much money from them and was careful not to waste money. At the vocational school he specialized in electronic technology and continued his studies at the technical school in Haifa. Chaim was a good-hearted guy and always willing to help both the family and his friends. He had a Lev that understood and cared for the sorrow of others. He loved spaces and landscapes and a lot of traveling around the country. He also excelled in fine and clean. Haim was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1969 and volunteered to serve in the Israel Air Force, where he devoted all his energies to the IDF’s role without the family knowing about his actions and his whereabouts. He was very fond of sports and a year before his fall, he was awarded a “TOTO” of £ 1,200 and dedicated to driving lessons, which was his life’s dream from his youth. ), Was wounded in the course of his duty and nine hours later, he was taken to eternal rest in the cemetery in Ashkelon.

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